What is neuropsychology? How is it different from clinical psychology, neurology, and psychiatry? (1:04)
When is the best time to do neuropsychological testing? (6:37) What brain functions are evaluated? (9:58) Can neuropsychological testing tell us how a person functions in their daily life? (17:27) What do the test results tell us about the extent and rate of recovery? (21:15) What is a concussion? What is a mild/ moderate/ severe traumatic brain injury? (24:12) Why does the same impact result in different deficits and different severity of impairments? How are impairments found on testing related to the degree of cognitive demands in the "real world" outside of the testing environment? Is brain damage the only cause of cognitive impairments found on testing? (33:02) What's new in neuropsychology? (36:40) What does testing say about truthfulness, exaggeration, effort, and malingering? (38:56) Advice for brain injury survivors, caregivers, and treaters. (42:11) Interview with Neuropsychologist Arnold Purisch, PhD Sign up for Traumatic Brain Injury News: http://eepurl.com/dDRCQb
“Brain Injury happens to anyone, anywhere, and at any time.” (Susan Hansen, Executive Director, San Diego Brain Injury Foundation) Who do you see for evaluation? For treatment? For education? For support? Trying to find the best resources and best path to recovery is a daunting task. I’ve worked with survivors, families, healthcare providers, and rehab treatment programs for many years. So, in order to inform the TBI community, I’ve started Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery YouTube and podcast channels consisting of interviews with TBI survivors, family members, and healthcare professionals. Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe4p7y3z1ykL1mMPamZLqsA Podcast: https://dangardner.podbean.com/ Viewers and listeners will learn how all involved address the challenges of recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury. For example, they will learn how a neurologist, neuropsychiatrist, and neuropsychologist participate in the evaluation and treatment of TBI. They will learn what community services are available to survivors and families. And they will learn how other survivors and families met the challenges of recovering from brain injury. Current Titles Include: The Protective Barrier in Brain Injury Family Support After Brain Injury Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery: Can Neuropsychiatry Help? Traumatic Brain Injury: You Are Not Alone. Call the San Diego Brain Injury Foundation Traumatic Brain Injury: Barry’s Journey After TBI Coming Soon: Where Can a TBI Survivor with Severe Injury Reside? Taking Your Brain for a Test Drive: Neuropsychological Evaluation Behavior Analysis and Modification in TBI The Role of Social Work in Acute Rehab after TBI Psychological Counseling After TBI Cognitive Remediation After TBI Case Management After TBI And More.. I welcome any suggestions and feedback about the content. Dan Gardner, MD https://www.dangardnermd.com/traumatic-brain-injury-psychiatry-in-san-diego.html PS. Feel free to subscribe to the channels and share this post with anyone whose life has been touched by TBI. A major challenge after TBI is that family members are often reluctant to ask for help for themselves to cope with the changes resulting from a brain injury. See this interview with Lorie Van Tilberg, former Executive Director of Southern Caregiver Resource Center. I just launched a YouTube channel focusing on Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery and Assistive Technology Tips. The videos will help us understand and address the complexities involved in evaluating and recovering from traumatic brain injuries. The channel will also offer practical tips to deal with cognitive challenges – including using “peripheral brains”. I’d greatly appreciate your recommendations on what topics and questions you would like to see addressed in these videos. Would you be willing to take 2 minutes and help me out? |
BLOGDan Gardner, MD Note: Please email me the topics which you'd me to discuss in this blog.
Note: These posts are for information only and are not endorsements of specific services or products.
Please consult your healthcare provider about information you find online. Dan Gardner, MD does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on www.dangardnermd.com. Reliance on any information provided by www.dangardnermd.com is solely at your own risk. Archives
August 2021